Script- Hi everyone, my name is Jack. For my foundation portfolio, I chose to do a magazine opposed to a film opening for numerous reasons. The first being that it would be easier for me to on my own, and not have to rely on anyone. Also, the lessons of magazines captivated me more than the ones on film opening. My final magazine product is called Vagabond, which means someone who travels from place to place without a home. As you can figure, I went with the genre travel, as I have been fortunate enough to see many places in this world and I wanted to share my experiences. I took inspiration from numerous travel magazines, such as National Geographic Traveler, Travel+Leisure, and wanderlust. I took most inspiration from Travel and Leisure, as it incorporated both destinations and food in it's articles. I challenged typical conventions in the area of travel magazines by having my target audience being geared towards younger people, ages 24-35 who do not have as much money, as a travel magazine for younger people is quite uncommon. Most travel magazines are geared towards people of a more matured age, with lots of money. In the beginning, I struggled throughout the whole magazine when it came to finding layouts that flowed perfectly, and choosing things that worked. However, over time I found out what worked and what didn't. For my magazine cover, I went along with the typical conventions of a travel magazine with the cover image being simple but striking. I also tried to limit the editing of the cover image, so it felt more natural and real. However, one of the conventions that I challenged was with the cover lines. I tried to limit it, as I did not want to distract from the true beauty of the cover image. I also limited the number of cover lines as I didn't want my magazine becoming cluttered, and take away from the things in the image I was trying to point out. In order for my magazine to be unison, I used elements of red, white, and black throughout. This can be seen on all pages. On the table of contents, I decided to label it "road map" to tie in with the overall travel theme. Sticking to typical conventions seen throughout numerous other travel magazines, I decided to include one picture for each article on the table of contents, a clever title, and brief description as readers could easily navigate to whatever article they found to be most interesting. As I stated before, I tried to edit the photos as little as possible. When choosing the places, I tried to pick places that weren't super expensive to see, and places that younger people would typically travel to, as my target audience was young people ages 24-35. Through the entire project, I knew exactly what I wanted to do for my two-page spread. I knew I wanted to do it about Maui. I challenged the conventions and norms by including both food and activities, something not typically done in this field of genre. I also went against the norms by trying to address the readers as directly as possible, because I wanted to give off a personal and direct vibe. I chose multiple images for the story, and tried to create a nice flow. This was particularly difficult as canva could not allow the pages to be side by side. When working on my magazine, I tried to integrate multiple technologies. For pictures, I either used my iPhone X or my families professional cannon camera. While I tried to edit the photos as little as possible, when I did edit them I used VSCO which I absolutely loved as the customization was limitless and they had many good presets. For a free photo editing app, I was truly surprised with the results, Other than that, the internet was the only other technology I integrated, as it was used for research purposes. I chose to do an additional article because I wanted to go the extra mile. What I did to further reach my target audience was write about things you could do at any hour of the night, as younger people tend to go out later. I also incorporated both activities and food. Overall, the New York article was very similar to the Maui one, with the only difference obviously being the location. That is it for my magazine, and I hope you enjoyed the final product as much as I do as I put much time and effort into it. Thank you.
Video- First off, I apologize for my voice. I've been sick and it sounds horrible. Here's my CCR video! I permalink-ed the video and included the url below! the google drive
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